If you wish to make money from the adult sector then having a website can increase your revenue. A website needs a domain (the address you type into your browser) and web hosting. The web hosting is where all the files are stored.

Web hosting companies have different terms and conditions for customers. Let’s look at how this affects adult 18+ websites.

If you’re new to this topic you may be interested in our introductory article, Introduction: how to get started if you want to make money from adult industry websites. That article has proved to be very popular and receives many readers so it may help you. It briefly touches on different aspects of the business. It’s an interesting industry that certainly has a horrible side to it but also a good side to it. If done correctly you can enjoy and potentially earn money from the adult industry and enjoy the process. For this page let’s get on with looking at adult web hosting.

What is web hosting?

What is adult web hosting?

Web hosting is what every website needs, it’s essentially a server that contains all your website files. Without hosting your site can’t be viewed live on the world wide web. It’s one of the two essential things you need. First, you need to think of a domain name. A domain name is the web address people type into their browser to get to your website. Second, you need web hosting to house the files.

If you’ve never owned a website before it can be a bit tricky to get your head around at first. Once you understand it then you realise it’s actually pretty simple.

The title of this blog post is, “Can you use any web hosting provider for adult websites?” The short answer to that is, NO. It’s an area you have to be careful with. Now let’s look into it more.

This guide is for you if you think you have a good business idea for a website operating in the adult niche. It could be selling sex toys or be a blog discussing the topic of having sex or maybe you even write your own fictional erotica. With these sorts of businesses, you can create something awesome and make sustainable passive income online while working from home.

Good quality adult webhosting is important

It’s vital you are aware that to run a website with explicit content you need to use a web hosting provider that allows it. You can’t just use any web host! Most have it in their terms and conditions that nothing explicit is allowed. They will shut you down.

This industry certainly has a horrible side to it. In pornography, some performers are forced into it, and some websites have illegal content on them. When it comes to the topic of web hosts it’s really tricky to know who to trust. Other blogs like this do have long lists with lots of different companies. This page is a bit different. Its aim is to help you navigate this murky world.

One of the most popular web hosts to go with is Adult website hosting provider HostGatorHostGator. They’re a large and well-known company who’ve been established many years. They have a variety of packages depending on how many websites you want to setup and what type of hosting you need. They also do a specific WordPress package if you wanted to use the easiest way to setup an adult blog without too much fuss.

Hostgator proof of invoices
Proof of HostGator invoices

At MoneyCortex we’ve hosted lots of websites over the years with HostGator. The experiences have always been as good as any other web host. Here’s a screenshot of our earliest invoices when we first started making money online back in 2007! The web domains are blanked out because those businesses have been sold.

If you already host non-adult websites and have a high level of trust in your provider then you could send them an email and ask if the type of content you want to host on their server is allowed. Obviously, it goes without saying that it needs to be legal!

Whatever you do, don’t go ahead and use any old host and risk it. If they find out you got content that isn’t allowed in their terms and conditions your website will be closed down.

Should you go for cheap 18+ webhosting?

Cheap prices
Want cheap prices?

When weighing up your options put the prices into context. Don’t get too hung up on how much the different packages cost. If your aim is to generate $1000 per month it really doesn’t matter whether you pay $10 per month or $15 per month. It’s tiny as a percentage of your revenue. What matters is getting the right package that suits you.

Some sides of this industry are bad and very shady. This is why it can be wise to avoid cheap adult hosting. For the sake of saving a few bucks you may not only end up with a slower website with poorer support that could end up losing you revenue, but they could also be hosting other websites that aren’t so nice.

Decide how you’ll setup your new adult website

Before you pay for your web hosting be sure how you actually plan to create the website. This will be specific to the type of site you are creating. As well as your experience level. Be sure to take your time as you go through the process and have a plan prepared.

If you’re running a blog-style site then using WordPress is very easy to install. You should be able to do that using your adult web hosting provider, especially if they cPanel. If you’re setting up an eCommerce website then the script should come with installation instructions. If you’re building a bespoke website then you must know what you’re doing!

How do free services compare?

If you’re running a serious business then it’s important to have a professional host. If you’re only interested in running a tiny website to fill an hour or two per week then these could actually make sense. But if your aim is to make money then you are going to need to invest a tiny bit of money first. But if you want a freebie try Google Blogger. You will need to mark the content as explicit though to avoid them being seen by eyes that need to be protected.

If you decide to start a new adult business then make a big effort. Put your plans together. Use a good provider such as HostGator. Before you know it you may have some nice residual income earned online from home in a sector that can be fun to work in.

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