Google have an official Android and iOS app called ‘Google Opinion Rewards’. On iOS you can redeem your earnings to your PayPal account. On Android you will receive Google Play credit. Find both official links to download it here or type it’s name into your app store on your smartphone or tablet. Let’s look at how to use the app.

Here’s how it looks on my Samsung, it might look slightly different to you depending on your region and if it’s been updated since this post was created.

App store listing
App store listing

The figures you’ll see in this review are in Pounds Sterling because I’m in the UK, but it’s available in the USA and other countries.

How does the Google Opinion Rewards app work and what do you get?

Using the app Google will ask you questions. Each time they ask you questions it will take only seconds to answer. It normally involves on two or three questions. The reason is they keep it short and sweet.

You get rewarded with credit for answering the short surveys. On Android you can use the credit to buy premium games, music or books using the credit. It really is a cool way to get free stuff that normally you might not feel justified in paying for. On iOS you can withdraw the cash to your PayPal account.

Each time you get rewarded a nice ‘thank you’ screen shows like this (this image contains our old website watermark)

Thank you screen
Thank you

The amount of credit you are rewarded with varies each time. I’m in the UK and have had the app installed for a few weeks now. Here is how my history looks of questions answered.

My earnings proof
Earnings proof

In the middle column you can see the value of each mini-survey. The numbers vary quite a bit, almost as if they are just plucking numbers out of thin air!

How much can you earn?

I’ve not used the free app for long enough yet to be able to reliably give an answer to how much you can earn. I’m looking at a couple of pounds per month. At that rate it will mean around £24 per year to spend in the app store. That’s excellent considering it’s free to do and takes no time whatsoever!

I enjoy some of the casual games made by indie developers that are listed in the app store. My plan is to continue to build my balance and upgrade a few indie games.

Is the app worth downloading?

Google Opinion Rewards is worth downloading if you’re happy to answer short surveys from time to time. The amounts of money may appear small, but it takes no time at all to complete the surveys. As the months roll on the amounts will add up to worthwhile sums. Then you can treat yourself to some books, movies, apps or games!