Reddit has a handful of active communities that you can use to make a bit of extra money online. Here’s a list of the best ones. Each subreddit contains a brief description to give you an idea of what to expect from it. Check each one out to see the latest posts that might help put more cash into your digital wallet.

Best Reddit communities to earn cash from
One of the most popular communities with many subscribers and regular activity. At Beermoney people discuss the websites and online money-making opportunities they’re currently profiting from.
Find people who need tasks doing and they will pay you small amounts of money for completing the tasks. The type of tasks varies so it can be worth bookmarking. Just because there isn’t anything suitable today you may find things you can do on other days. It’s a very active subreddit with regular new postings.
If you use Qmee to earn money (you get paid for clicking on sponsored links in search engine results, see my earnings from Qmee) this subreddit will give you ideas of phrases and words to search for in Google, Yahoo, eBay and Amazon. Each week there is a list of search terms people have used to successfully earn from. Don’t abuse it though, for long-term profitability you want to be using your Qmee account naturally.
Get paid by people for joining websites using their affiliate links. They are normally very easy to do but always check full details. If you’re unsure about anything ask the poster first before proceeding. On average there are a few new offers every day.
If you regularly use Swagbucks (see review) then this subreddit community will help you learn about the best ways to make money from Swagbucks at the moment.
If you work at Amazon mTurk completing quick microtasks for cash then this community will help keep you up-to-date on the latest goings-on and give you a measure of how much money other people are making and what tasks they are making it on. You can also ask questions if you’re new to the mTurk platform.
This one I don’t tend to find as useful as the others but you may still find the odd golden nugget of information now and again so it’s worth taking a quick peek at.

A couple of bonus communities
This one is slightly different. You can’t make any money from it but if you have gift cards for retailers you don’t want you can try and exchange them with others. This could be especially useful if you’ve received a gift card for your birthday but would prefer to shop with another retailer.
With this subreddit, you can’t make extra money, but you can reduce your outgoings. At the “frugal” community you will find lots of links to the latest ways people are getting things cheap.

Know of any more good places?

If you know of any more subreddits that are active and would be useful here please send in an email and the link will be considered.

I’m sometimes active in these communities so if you are going to see start posting in them I’ll see you there, look out for the “moneycortex” username!

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Last update: July 7, 2023