Discover fantastic ideas on how to improve your personal finances and other areas of life. You’ll not only find side hustle ideas but lots of other inspiration too. They may also trigger innovation within your existing ways of doing things.

How Much Money Can You Make Doing Online Surveys In Australia?
It’s great to make extra money from surveys. But you need the right approach and attitude. Let’s look at what you need to consider.

How Much Money Can You Make By Doing Surveys As A Canadian?
It’s great to make extra money from surveys. But you need the right approach and attitude. Let’s look at what you need to consider.

How Much Money Can You Make By Doing Surveys In The U.S.?
It’s great to make extra money from surveys. But you need the right approach and attitude. Let’s look at what you need to consider.

How Much Money Can You Make By Doing Surveys In The UK?
It’s great to make extra money from surveys. But you need the right approach and attitude. Let’s look at what you need to consider.

How Much Money Can You Make By Doing Paid Surveys?
It’s great to make extra money from surveys. But you need the right approach and attitude. Let’s look at what you need to consider.

Is It Worth Adapting Your Personal Finances To The Annual Government Budget?
Look at the annual budget with a cool head and see how to react for you and your family.

Ways to save money and reduce the amount of plastic in your life
In this blog post I look at possible ways to reduce plastic and save money at the same time.

Business Idea: Financing For Car MOT + Repairs
A business idea for a small financing company in the motoring industry.

Maximise Your Chances Of Winning Money In TopCashback UK Competitions
Learn two tricks. One will save you time and the other will give you the chance of making more money.

Is It Wise To Pause Pension Payments To Pursue Other Personal Projects?
Investigating the cost of stopping pension payments to free up some cash.

Why you should have a small reward for reaching a work goal
What are you working towards? We are all working towards something. If you don’t currently have something specific you are working towards, then now is the time to quickly set that goal

10 ideas that might improve your Crossy Road highest score
Crossy Road is a fun little infinite runner game that’s been around for many years. Here’s a few ways you can get a new high score on this addictive game.